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The Georgia Craft Brewers Guild is a non-profit organization that fights to change beer laws in Georgia, resulting in a better industry for breweries to thrive and making it easier for consumers to get their favorite beer. 

Georgia Beer Day is the Guild’s annual group effort fundraiser that encourages beer lovers across the state to raise a pint to support local, independent craft brewers. Each year a custom designed glass is sold at participating breweries in an effort to promote and further the common interests of its members and Georgia’s licensed brewing industry. 

In 2022, 70 breweries across the state participated in Georgia Beer Day. I was honored to be chosen as the local artist to design the year’s limited edition collector’s pint glass. 

The theme of the commemorative glass was, “From the Blue Ridge Mountains to Driftwood Beach,” highlighting the beauty of Georgia and features two of the state’s most recognizable nature landscapes, and one of my personal favorites. Let me tell you, I love me some hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

As part of event promotion, marketing collateral and digital assets were also developed for participating breweries' use to spread the world across the state.

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